Happy 2011 part 2: Amigos from the Galapagos: Can we just be friends? 12th January 2011

9 Responses to “Happy 2011 part 2: Amigos from the Galapagos: Can we just be friends?”

  1. 1

    Absolutely AMAZING photo! These aren’t the kind of creatures I like to run across in person, but photos like this are awesome. It’s a dream of mine to travel to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador!

  2. 2

    This is a fantastic wildlife shot.

  3. 3

    This is really a nice picture. I have never seen this before.
    Even not on Discovery Channels or Animal Planet.
    Nice job Harry!

    Is this picture made by remote control or telephoto?

    Kind regards,

    admin Reply:

    And yet another spamlink removed! Anyway, as you can see when clikcing on the EXIF button, it was shot with a fixed 50mm lens, so neither :)

  4. 4

    Magnifique photo, il faudra que tu m’expliques un jour comment tu fais pour améliorer la netteté de ta photo ainsi que la rendre autant lumineuse ( même si la prise de vue doit déjà être géante !) ! En tout cas j’adore ! Bravo !

    ExposedPlanet Reply:

    @Kevin, Bonjour Kevin! merci beaucup. All the processing was done within Adobe PS LightRoom, a wonderful program for photographers.

  5. 5

    Great shot! I think I found my new screen saver. When I was kid I wanted a Marine Iguana as a pet, such an incredible reptile. Do the crabs clean the Iguanas or was he just passing by?

    ExposedPlanet Reply:

    Thanks (spamname and -link removed, I don’t think anybody’s name is ‘Costa Rica ;)). I am not sure if the crab and the Iguana are that symbotic, at least in this case he was just passing by (and over!)…

  6. 6
    Gaby Fuentes Photography:

    Such a beautiful picture and from one of my favorite places. Galapagos will always hold a special place in my heart. In which of the islands was this photo taken?

No EXIF information available.
Happy 2011 part 2: Amigos from the Galapagos: Can we just be friends?