Laundry service in Agra, part 5: drying 20th January 2007

3 Responses to “Laundry service in Agra, part 5: drying”

  1. 1

    Wonderful series. Well done!

  2. 2

    You disappoint me Harry. I mean, the pictures are absolutely wonderful, very well shot and your subjects are breathtaking. But at the beginning of the week you promised to show how people in India manage to have clean and shiny clothes with all the dust and dirt around. In all respect but this last picture doesnt explain a thing!

    Thanks MC & Romke. Well, some things better seem to be left unexplained, I do not know why they do this this way! But somehow it works!

  3. 3

    I like the child sitting under the pink blanket.

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Laundry service in Agra, part 5: drying