Hellomoney! Street children begging in Tibet 22nd January 2007

One Response to “Hellomoney! Street children begging in Tibet”

  1. 1
    Jeff Ambrose:

    Do you only do climbing trips to this region or are photographic/exploaratory trips avaliable too?

    thanks for your email and comments on the website, much appreciated.
    Part of our climb is the 6-7 days trip from Kathmandu- Bacecamp, during which all the Nepal/Tibet images on the ExposedPlanet site were taken. You can sign up for just the trip to BC, which for 2007 costs $3500 for a full month program from KTM-KTM. Though not specifically a photo trip, I can tell you that I shot all images while being busy guiding as well, so you should have more time available! In the end it is the photographer who does the shooting…

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Hellomoney! Street children begging in Tibet