Fake Prada on the Bridge of Angels in Rome 28th December 2006

2 Responses to “Fake Prada on the Bridge of Angels in Rome”

  1. 1

    Great contrast of how culture has changed throughout our history. I 100 percent agree with your commentary. Thankfully, there are still some of us who crave the art of sculpting, architecture & building!

  2. 2

    I agree too with your views. \'Tis the rampant monster of capitalism no less which drives powers this insanity. All over the world beautiful traditions and cultures are being crushed as we head towards a vast homogenous monoculture of McDonalds, Pepsi Cola and all that useless tripe. Long live fields and trees!!! I came across your site the other day, and was spellbound. The photos are fantastic, and your commentaries really add a lot to them as well. Thanks.

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Fake Prada on the Bridge of Angels in Rome