Shopkeeper behind bars in Guatemala 13th November 2011

2 Responses to “Shopkeeper behind bars in Guatemala”

  1. 1

    I have been notified by Andy that my statistics have been updated. Currently only New Orleans is more dangerous (based on homicide rate) than Guatemala.

    Chicago has dropped fortunately, though US rates are still many times higher than other industrialized countries (3x as high as canda, 6 times as high as The Netherlands, Germany and Japan for example, see

    Sill in all industrialized countries you have a much higher chance (2-20 times higher) to be killed by yourself..

  2. 2
    מגזין הקישורים הסמויים מן העין , הפלגה מס’ 131 , 4 לינואר 2012 | עמי סלנט:

    […] The story behind "Shopkeeper behind bars in Guatemala" […]

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Shopkeeper behind bars in Guatemala