What is ExposedPlanet.com?ExposedPlanet.com is a so-called photoblog, which is the visual variation of a blog. Normally photobloggers post one image daily with little or no comments, but as you will see, not me :) I have started ExposedPlanet.com not only as a way to show my portfolio, but also to share the beauty of our planet. Nowadays negative press & media might make people scared of everything foreign or different: culture, religion, people and the places themselves. This xenophobia is taking over our lives and prevents us from seeing the real world as it is: a wonderful place with beautiful people. There are no bad or evil countries, religions or people. There is bad and good people in every culture, including your own. I hope I can share a bit of the amazement I have enjoyed while traveling the 7 continents. The more I see, the more I know I still have to see and I will. Life is too short to focus on not-existing enemies & fears. Comments are more than welcome, but please do not just say “great shot” or something similar, but let me know why this image (didn’t?) touch you. Many thanks. Subscribe to ExposedPlanet.com using any feedreader |
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Links and commentersPlease see the Links page Enjoy the site and do not forget to get out there yourself :) Best regards, Harry contact me at: info-at-exposedplanet-dot-com or through the contact form on the ExposedPlanet blog. |
Who am I?Harry Kikstra, a climber/expedition leader/ photographer/ filmmaker/ producer/ writer/ public speaker/ cycler and many other things that have to do with sharing the beauty of the outdoors. I have climbed the 7 continental highpoints and have traveled a lot and will not stop soon, though normally I am based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. See the links to the right to learn more about me or see my detail page on the 7 summits statistics here or just Google me in word or images. You can follow me on Twitter for news, updates and tips. 7summits.com is focused on the mountains, ExposedPlanet will also show more of the culture and other nature that is to be found on our 7 continents. I hope that it will sparkle your imagination, make you curious or even just educate you a bit, being maybe the 3 most important aspects of society in my view. A picture can say more than a 1000 wars and can maybe help understand the world around us. It’s a small place, so maybe we can make the best of it together. |
Where Am I?I am travelling most of the time, either leading Expeditions for 7summits.com or just seeing the world. I work from the road and everywhere where friendly people are is home/office. I have just returned from a multi-year bicycle trip through the Americas. See WorldOnaBike.com for I am also one of the founders and very active in the Flexiway Solar project, replacing dangerous and expensive kerosene lamps with affordable and solar-powered LEDlights. You can follow me on Twitter for news and tips, here are my latest tweets:follow me on Twitter |
Stock and prints sale, presentations, publications, copyright & contact(C)opyrightTo be clear: all information, texts and images are copyrighted by me and no image can be copied, published, altered, distributed or otherwise used commercially without a prior agreement. Just ask if you are non-commercial, I am quite a nice guy :) If given permission and only then, the image can be used, just as long as all following points are met:
As an addition to the above general license the following conditions must also be met: – The images cannot be used to promote any single religion as no specific religion -or even any at all- is endorsed. I am a strong supporter of both freedom of as well as from religion. – No images may be used in any hate- or other objectionable context (racism, sexism, breach of human rights, pornography, gambling, drugs, alcohol etc.) Links back to http://ExposedPlanet.com from any website are very much appreciated, even when not using the images. Note: All of my images on all of my and 3rd party sites are copyrighted and registered. If you are non-commercial you might get approval to use it, but even then borders/titles/watermark remain (no alteration) and a working link must be placed to ExposedPlanet.com. No commercial use is allowed without a license, if you are interested in prints, please contact me! See below for detailed terms. If you are interested in licensing other images, here is an overview of countries I visited and captured so far: Visited 68 states (30.2%) (Map by Douwe Osinga) All images are filed in categories. Each image can be part of multiple categories, see the link on top. |